Long Covid Tips
I wanted to share some helpful information for anyone wanting to know more about ways to help with Long/Chronic Covid symptoms. in clinic I’ve been seeing a lot of patients dealing with effects after both CV and the vac. The Chronic Covid Treatment Center and Dr. Bruce Patterson are excellent resources on this topic. I’ve learned a lot over the past several months.
Due to the immune system reaction symptoms may also be due to reactivation of herpes virus, EBV, Varicella, CMV, Lyme, etc. Working with someone to help dive into symptoms and develop a personalized treatment plan is crucial.
What makes someone prone to these Long Covid issues may be due to viral persistence, inactivated viral fragments, or reactivation of a latent virus. An impaired CD8 and T cell response may also play a role. A disruption in the immune system caused by pro-inflammatory cytokines may also be at play. This is why some of these strategies/tools may be helpful post infection to help the immune system and inflammatory state.
A lot of these recommendations are lifestyle based and herbal. When possible you can obtain these items from diet, but I also have a Fullscript Protocol with some supplemental recommendations. You can find it under “Long CV Support”.
What are some common symptoms of Chronic CV?
Coughing and shortness of breath
malaise and lethargy
cardiac dysrhythmias
joint pain
brain fog
memory and concentration problems
neuropathic pain
GI discomfort including diarrhea
loss of appetite
weight loss
Health foundations are key for everyone and are something I encourage everyone to participate in to improve health. They are also very important for anyone dealing with post covid symptoms.
Health Foundations
Nutrition and key supplements when needed
Fresh Air - get outside, open windows
Stress management - Movement, music, meditation, heart rhythm variability management, massage, sleep, fun, no news
Adequate sleep
Positive mindset
Movement - do something you enjoy!
Social support
Some Tips/Recommendations to help with Post Covid Symptoms.
gut health - healthy gut microbiome (probiotics, dgl)
strong vagus nerve
adaptogens (shisandra, rhodiola, eleuthora)
antioxidants - glutathione (oral, IV, nebulizing)
slippery elm good for bifidobacter bacteria
amino acids- sarcopenia is common, important to have adequate muscle mass
Intermittent Fasting - 12-16 hours
if histamine issues - low histamine diet, flavonoids (vitamin c w/ quercetin)
micro-circulation support - increase in consumption of green leafy veggies, 85% cacao (be careful w/ histamine issues & caffeine), blueberries, blackberries, turmeric, beet root (opens vessels to release nitric oxide), green tea, lumbrokinase
iron stores can drop in long CV - vitamin C, beef liver
Mitochondria support- intermittent fasting can help, adaptogens, glutathione, medicinal mushrooms (cordyceps, reishi, turkey tail), infrared sauna, MB
Histamine Blockers (herbal include Histaminx from Seeking Health or D-Hist from Orthomolecular)
Reservatrol & Turmeric - Supports T Cell regulation
Omega 3’s - reduce inflammation
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)- helps modulate the immune system
Miravorac- prescription only (expensive) - CCL5 RANTES inhibitor. CCL5 RANTES are involved in chemotaxis, moving immune cells to sites of inflammation where they should be.