And, Then There Were Four
1 year ago today our lives changed once again. It was like any other day, I woke up, we made bagel breakfast sandwiches, and I went to my follow up MRI appointment for my knee to see how well the surgical repair went. Elijah went with Lucas to the gym. I had plans to pick him up afterward.In the couple of weeks prior I had noticed that my breasts were a little larger, which isn’t unusual before my period, but they were larger than normal. It was even to the point that Lucas commented. My diet had been clean, but I seemed to not be leaning out like I should have. When I was filling out the form before my MRI and it asked if I could be pregnant I paused for a second and circled no. In the back of my mind I wondered and even though I hadn’t missed a period I thought I should probably just check. So after my MRI I ran to Target to pick up a test. I needed to get some groceries before picking Elijah up from Lucas so I went to Fresh and Natural and wanted to take the test before I saw him so I had my answer, which I knew was going to be no. I went into the bathroom and peed on the stick. It can take up to 3 minutes to process so I set it on the table in the bathroom and went to wash my hands. About a minute had gone by and I thought I’d peek at it even though there was still time left knowing that nothing would have changed. I looked down and to my surprise there were TWO lines. I looked to make sure I knew what that meant, looked at the lines again and about died. I had instant feelings of excitement, fear, and shock. I took a picture to show Lucas as I didn’t want to take the stick with me and threw it in the garbage. My heart was racing and I had trouble getting my groceries, but powered through.I texted Lucas that I was on my way to get Elijah and we should go eat lunch. I was going to go in and tell him in the gym, but as I was getting out of my car, he was coming out with Elijah. My heart continued to race as he buckled Elijah in the car. He finally got in the passenger seat and I handed him my phone with the pregnancy test picture on it. He looked at, looked at me and asked me if it was mine. Haha! He had a look of shock on his face. I started crying and apologizing as this wasn’t planned. He reassured me that he was excited and I had nothing to apologize for. It took some time for it to fully soak in, but we truly believe this was meant to be.When Lucas and I first started dating and talking about children, he wanted three and I wasn’t even sure I wanted kids and if I did I wanted one. Through the years we both settled on one, but after Elijah was born I wasn’t sure I was truly done. He was good with one and told me many times one and done. As time went on and Elijah got older and more independent, I had come to the conclusion that we were done and he was going to be an only child. I remember thinking that right before we found out we were pregnant and I was ok with it.Finding out we wer
e pregnant was meant to be, everything single thing about it. From the timing, to her being a girl. We decided to find out what we were having and I remember the weeks prior to our ultrasound I had 2 instances telling me she was a girl. The first was a dream and we were at the ultrasound. I could clearly see on the screen it was a girl. The second instance was in regards to something circulating around Facebook that you took her smart phone and typed “This year for Christmas I want” and then use your phone to auto finish the sentence by clicking on the middle words. My sentence finished with “a little girl”. I always said that I would love to raise a little girl to be strong and confident, something I struggled with growing up.
I know this little girl is going to give me a run for my money, but I can’t wait. She has Lucas wrapped around her little finger. And, to see Elijah and her together melts my heart. They just adore each other. He never fails to make her laugh. It is the sweetest sight. I am so glad that Elijah has a sibling to go through life with and Evelyn has a big brother to be her protector. Sometimes I’m still in amazement that we have two children, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. This surprise was exactly what our family needed.I will joke with Lucas sometimes that we should have one more, but this time he is a firm NO. ;-) Our family is complete.