My Homeopathy Travel Kit

I am sharing what is in my homeopathy kit that I don’t leave home without. Having these on hand helps me to feel empowered when I leave the house and they are so easy to travel with. I’m not an expert (sharing those below!), but I love having lots of holistic tools in my toolbox and this is a big one. I know it can feel overwhelming, but once you get the hang of it it is amazing!⁣

Over the years I’ve added to my homeopathy kit and this list isn’t all encompassing, but some of the top ones I use.⁣

First, a little information. There are various opinions on it and whether it’s helpful or completely useless. Doctors are divided because some of the theories behind homeopathy don’t line up with the principles of chemistry and physics. Scientists argue that a medicine with no active ingredient shouldn’t have an effect on the body.Homeopathic remedies do not cause side effects or interfere with medications, and they are safe for newborns and during pregnancy, which has been a huge reason I’ve used them. We all know when babies get sick it’s hard to know how to help them. It has helped us get through several illnesses in the past. Even if it’s all placebo I’ll take my n=1 results.⁣

”The alternative medical system of homeopathy was developed in Germany at the end of the 18th century. Supporters of homeopathy point to two unconventional theories: “like cures like”—the notion that a disease can be cured by a substance that produces similar symptoms in healthy people; and “law of minimum dose”—the notion that the lower the dose of the medication, the greater its effectiveness. Using minute doses of plant, animal or mineral substances, Homeopathic remedies stimulate a healing response in an individual's system to bring gentle and rapid relief to physical, emotional and mental symptoms.”⁣

There are some people highly educated in the use of homeopathics, which I would strongly encourage consulting with. Jennie Hoglund, CCH or her intern, Misty Texeira. I often get my remedies from boiron on amazon or direct from Ollois makes great lactose free remedies!⁣


Kali Bichromicum- colds with thick nasal discharge

Kali Muriaticum- nasal congestion with white nasal discharge

Pulsatilla- colds with thick, yellow nasal discharge

Drosera- Relieves spasmodic dry cough worsened at night and by heat

Hepar Sulphuricum- chills who doesn’t want to be uncovered. Swollen glands. Painful ear infections in children who can’t bear drafts. Skin abscesses that heal slowly.

Antimonium Tartaricum- coughs associated with mucus, unable to cough up easily. wet or productive coughs associated with weakness. coughs associated with pale face or even a bluish color. coughs with great sleepiness.

Spongia Toasta- dry, croupy coughs. Cough is better when sucking on cough drops. Cough improves with warm food and drinks.


Allium Cepa- relieves allergic or viral runny nose

Belladonna- high fever (up to 102f) of sudden onset with perspiration.

Antrum Muriaticum- Headache, sneezing, allergic runny nose

Histaminum Hydrochloricum- relieves allergies.

Phosphorus- relieves dizziness, headaches

Phytolacca Decandra- sore throat with pain swallowing

Borax- Relieves canker sore (mouth ulcer)


Ledum palustre- bites and stings of insects, dogs or cats. Puncture wounds. Stiff joints made better by cold applications.

Rhus Tox- relieves red and itchy skin from contact with poison oak, poison sumac or poison ivy.

Apis Mellifica- Swelling with stinging pain (e.g. from bee sting). Puffiness around eyes. Sore thoats with burning pain that are relieved by cool drinks. UTI associated with stinging/burning pain. Swollen feet/legs. Inflamed joints with redness and stinging pain.

Arnica Montana- to reduce achiness after overexertion, surgery, or dental procedures. For pain in labor/delivery. For bumps, bruises, and sprains. Jet lag.


Arsenicum Album - Flu symptoms or pneumonia. Patient is very anxious and restless. Anguished. Burning pains yet feels chilled and wants to be kept warm. Thirsty for small sips. This remedy can be taken if there is great anxiety (restlessness, just beside oneself) about illness or becoming ill.

Bryonia - Pain and headache that is worse from movement. Sometimes worse from even moving eyeballs (headache). Better laying absolutely still. Very thirsty, gulps drinks. Irritable and wants to be left alone. Painful cough/pneumonia, patient will hold the chest and not want to move.

Eupatorium - Flu with severe, unbearable aching. Feels like bones are breaking. Horrible pain, patient is desperate and moaning.

Gelsemium - Flu with extreme weakness and debility. Eyelids, limbs and head are all droopy. Mind dull and foggy. Chills up and down back. Flu with slower onset.

Mercurius - Later stage Flu that has progressed to pneumonia with green discharge. Offensive breath, excess saliva, and a metallic taste in the mouth. Weakness.

Anas Barbariae (Oscillococcinum) - To be taken at the first sign of cough and fever with a flu-like illness, without any other characteristic symptoms present. 1 dose every 2 hours until another remedy picture becomes clear.

Historical Influenzinum (not the yearly flu remedy)- To be taken prophylactically, 1 dose per month for duration of flu season. If you know you have been exposed, take an additional dose.


  • Homeopathic Medicine At Home by Maesimund B. Panos MD, Jane Heimlich and Dr Robert Mendelsohn

  • The Family Guide to Homeopathy: Symptoms and Natural Solutions by Andrew Lockie

  • The Complete Homeopathy Handbook by Miranda Castro

  • Everybody's Guide to Homeopathic Medicines by Stephen Cummings and Dana Ullman

  • Easy Homeopathy by Edward Shalts, MD

Health, WellnessTara Woodland