All About the Stress Response

The adrenals are the center of the body’s stress response system, which is why you’ll see the adrenal system mentioned hand in hand with stress. When our bodies respond to stress (physical, emotional, and psychological) it releases cortisol. Stress triggers a cascade of responses by the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary which causes the adrenal cortex to release cortisol. When the sympathetic system is triggered the adrenals release epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisol.⁣

Adrenal fatigue is not well accepted in the allopathic world, but it is believed that when someone deals with chronic stress the adrenals cannot keep up with the stress on the body. This ongoing stress can cause high levels of cortisol. ⁣Long term stress can eventually lead to depressed cortisol levels. ⁣

It is estimated that 75% to 90% of human disease is related to stress and inflammation, including cardiovascular and metabolic diseases and neurodegenerative disorders. Chronic stress also can weaken our immune systems.⁣

A four point salivary cortisol test is the best way to get a full picture of the levels over the course of the day. Normal patterns of cortisol fluctuation show the lowest levels at 12am-1am and highest around 6am-8am. When looking at the adrenal system it may also be helpful to look at a thyroid panel, CBC w/ differential, ferritin, CMP, magnesium, B12 and zinc.⁣ Some may also need a deeper dive into neurotransmitters. ⁣

The first step in supporting the adrenal system is managing stress levels.⁣

Things you can do to help manage stress

  • Get adequate sleep. Sleep has restorative and regulatory abilities which is a major influence on immune function and inflammatory signals. Aim for 7-8 hours a night. ⁣

  • Exercise. Moderate, regular physical activity helps immune system function by raising levels of infection-fighting white blood cells and antibodies, increasing circulation, and decreasing stress hormones.⁣

  • Make time for friends/positive social interaction.⁣

  • Meditation/Biofeedback.⁣

  • Get outside/fresh air.⁣

  • Play (throw and ball, build legos, color) ⁣

Be mindful of caffeine, and alcohol intake. Adequate magnesium intake is also crucial. ⁣

As always start with the basics. ⁣

Tara Woodland