Cut Out Sugar Cookies + Powdered Sugar Frosting

One of my fondest memories of the holidays was making cut out sugar cookies with my mom and aunt. We would make huge batches that would take up the entire counter. The recipe we used came from a childhood Big Bird Book I had. The recipe wasn’t likely anything special, but the meaning and memories of opening it to the recipe page is what makes special. We would decorate them by piping on the decorations in all sorts of designs.

The recipe we use comes from a family friend. It’s what has always been used for our cookies and cakes. It has a slight almond extract flavor (can be omitted), that contrasts the vanilla in the cookie beautifully! It hardens well which makes it great for decorating/piping.

While I love the Big Bird Cookie recipe a friend of mine, Kathleen Bauer Wagner, made sugar cookies and sent them my way and I was in LOVE! They were a denser sugar cookie, similar to a short bread consistency. She helped me tweak my recipe which you will find here! I still love the Big Bird recipe, but this has been a fun recipe to come up with!

Cut Out Sugar Cookies

  • 3/4 C + 4 tbsp butter

  • 1 C powdered sugar

  • 1 egg yoke

  • 1 tsp vanilla

  • 2 1/2 C flour

  • 1 tsp salt

Mix with mixer. Dough will be more crumbly. Chill 1 hour. Roll out and cut. Place onto baking sheet and chill for at least 2 more hours. Bake at 350 degrees for ~10 min. I like these a little under baked and let cool while on the pan that finishes baking them a bit.

Powdered Sugar Frosting

2 Ibs powdered sugar

3/4 C butter

2 T flour

1/4 tsp. cream of tartar

1/4¼tsp. salt

1 tsp. white vanilla

1/4 tsp almond extract

1/2 C boiling/hot water 

1 - 2 T. more if needed to thin down 

beat well with hand or stand mixer

KEEP FROSTING COVERED so it doesn't dry out.

Tara Woodland