Helpful Holistic Tools to Have at Home

These tools are never meant to replace medical care. They are to act as an adjunct to help empower you in your health and knowing your body. These won't be for everyone and I acknowedge that not everyone will be comfortable with using them. They take practice and knowing how to use them, but I want to share a few things on top of the supplements and other tools I share that may be helpful for some. I dive into the items to use with the nebulizer and when to use them in a separate post. 

Medical professionals go to school for years to learn how to use these tools, but that's not to say you can't utilize them at home and get a good understanding on how they work and help guide you.

All but the nebulizer can be grabbed on Amazon. In my store under "Holistic Health Tools." The nebulizer I love comes from  Don’t forget get to grab masks for the nebulizer if you want those in place of a mouthpiece.

*not medical advice

Tara Woodland