
Acute inflammation is normal and the body’s attempt to defend against foreign invasions and repair it from injury. It is characterized by redness, pain, swelling and heat. Injury can be caused from trauma, exposure to microbes, toxins, or certain foods. Inflammation becomes chronic when the injury is ongoing or the immune system fails at successfully regulating the inflammation. ⁣

This is important. Most chronic diseases have been linked to excessive or persistent inflammation. ⁣

How many times do you turn to acetaminophen or Ibuprofen to treat pain?They are effective, but they also impede the pathway for inflammation/pain, which is helpful in the short run, but can cause issues when used consistently over time.⁣

More than 70 million prescriptions ⁣

for NSAIDs (e.g. ibuprofen, naproxen) are written each year in the United States. With long term NSAID use it often leads to leaky gut which ironically leads to more inflammation. It is such a vicious cycle. Long term use can also lead to erectile dysfunction.⁣

Acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol) inhibits the pathway mediated by neurotransmitter receptors. Found in more than 200 OTC and prescription medications. A boxed warning was added in 2011 that states that there is a potential for severe liver injury. It also depletes glutathione that is a crucial component of our immune system.⁣

There are so many powerful foods and natural remedies to help reduce inflammation which will also positively impact pain. I personally have had amazing relief from a few key supplements from Wild Wholistic Sisters (turmeric/ginger) use code tarawoodland, Purefin Shop Cbda (use code tara10), and Protandim.

I have a highlight on IG covering some of my favorite anti inflammatory supps of these are needed as an adjunct!

FullScript Products for Inflammation

*educational purposes only. Not medical advice. Always consult with your provider.

Tara Woodland