
During the Institute for Functional Medicine Hormone Course we talked about long term relationships and how they change over time. For us, we’ve been together since we were 17/18. That’s 24 years. ⁣

Kids have definitely added an element of challenge to continue to stay true to us and not get lazy in the work we put in. Our conversations are some of my favorite moments with him, working on us and talking about goals and the future. I love goofing around and when he makes me laugh. ⁣

This year is coming with some BIG changes and I just have to trust that they are what’s best for our family. ⁣

What are some of your favorite ways to spend quality time with your significant other?⁣

From the lectures this weekend. ⁣

The Change in Sexual Response in a Long Term Relationship⁣

The Change can come in one year, a few years or many years. ⁣

• Often associated with fatigue⁣

• Adrenal health must be addressed! ⁣

• Often associated with increased distractions⁣

• Often associated with demands of having children.⁣

Health, Life, WellnessTara Woodland